It's oh so quiet

 ...and previously that would have been a very good thing, because we've always tended to post more when things go wobbly and less when life feels less pandemicky. 

But I don't know about you, I do not currently feel less pandemicky. Okay, there is a lot of holidaying going on, which is nice. But also very much back to the Good Masks on trains, binning out of optional events for fear of catching covid at an awkward time sort of feels. Or fear of catching it at all, since one of our number has been hospitalised this week (if you're on twitter you will know, not my story, not currently in hospital which is good). I emailed someone today confirming we won't be meeting in person later this year because... well, Teams is handy but also bringing a couple of dozen people from across the country together also doesn't feel like a no brainer. All of which won't stop me seeing friends in Exeter this weekend, one of those postponed 2020 things that is finally in the diary.

I'm sure it will be fine. Because... hasn't... it... always... turned... out... okay, oh wait. 

Anyway, this month I have mostly been cooking Mexican. In theory it's Latin American month but mainly I have Tommi Meirs's first Wahaca cookbook. Full of fresh veg and opportunities to add cheese and sour cream to otherwise unimpeachable foodstuffs. My kind of cooking. I have used an unfeasible quantity of avocado, which I felt guilty about until I read apparently there's an avocado glut this year. We should all be doing our bit.

Let's see, murky photos of meals from three weeks ago suggest I have been eating...

Minty courgette soup - pre-blending. It looked worse after, but tasted good.

The thing that is sometimes called Oaxacan pizzas - griddle courgette, griddled veg, beans, lime salsa, all on a tortilla. Some kind of cheese that might not be feta but usually is.

The buttermilk corn pancakes I'm pretty sure I've done before (maybe these? Similar, anyway).

An extremely rushed and messy huevos divorciados because if you're having a busy week what could be better to make when you get home than *two* salsas? This involved scorching veg in a bare pan (much smoke alarmage), and I really wish it hadn't been as nice as it was, even with many corners cut. Not one for your more frantic phases, but good.

Many salads. The watermelon and goat cheese one. And a green salad with loads of chicken or chicken and avocado, almonds and a sesame/balsamic dressing with uh a bunch of asparagus on top because I'm an addict.


A veracruz sauce which I've done before hot with duck, but this time lukewarm and with seafood. A slightly weird combination (there's cinnamon in the sauce). Not vile, but not on my list to repeat.

Coconut ceviche - genuinely exciting and weird. Might well do this again, and not only because it leaves you with a load of spare coconut milk suitable for (mock) pina coladas and such. Actual ceviche, with just supermarket stuff, and I didn't poison myself. Shhhh yes that's more asparagus.

And chicken tinga tortillas. Such a positive looking sauce (more of those pan-charred veg, less smoke alarm this time as my technique improves).

...then makes incredibly messy tacos. Admittedly not helped by deciding to do some fresh corn with dill alongside. No regrets, except relating to laundry.

So yes. I recommend summer Mexican cookery. It's good fun. 

Fingers crossed for Georgian month, coming next. Let our tastebuds remain receptive and our blog unmarred by the shared need to post with covid anxiety. (All other anxiety is of course still around, and never unwelcome.)

PS Spargel 4 Eva! The season is pretty much done in fact, maybe one last splurge? Miso-mustard-mayo-style?


  1. I'm feeling quite pandemicky again too.We're back to trying to avoid things so that we don't end up coming down with Covid while on holiday. I'd rather not come down with it at all, but it seems impossible to keep avoiding it forever unless we hide away for ever, so we're back to risk management. It's depressing...

  2. Me too. Vienna is close but not close enough (and also I really, really don't want covid while I'm there - a couple of friends have had that joy in Portugal, a full week unwanted in a hotel).

  3. Sorry I'm late to commenting, I really enjoyed reading about your mainly Mexican adventures. I feel a little pandemic panicky again and I'm desperately trying not to. The main reason is we're finally back in the city, which is wonderful. The downside is that now we have the opportunity to go out and 'DO THINGS', but the niggle remains that even if we take precautions, lots of others have decided the pandemic is over and it's really, really not. I think we might cautiously 'do things' in lower case. And now I've got a working kitchen again that I don't have to keep pristine, hopefully I can get back to cooking and posting again.


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