Sweet, sweet corn

 I seem to be in a sweetcorn fritter place this year. I still haven't re-made Ottolenghi's gorgeous prawn and sweetcorn fritters, but I did the corn cakes with salmon which were very nice apart from the mess. And now I've been making proper corn fritters, with whole corn. It's a dish for now, when corn is fresh, new and sweet, as you'll get the real benefit of its flavour. 

The basics are: lots of fresh sweetcorn, cooked off in a pan with some spring onions, chili and as much butter as you can stand (not much for me today tbh, but the recipe invites you up to 30g, so go nuts). About 4 minutes is all that's needed, and you'll serve half the quantity just as is scattered over the cakes. I might do this next week on its own, if the sweetcorn still looks good - it's plenty lovely on its own.


But there's batter to be made (this is the bit I did after Confined Cocktails last night - it worked out fine, considering). It's an equal parts flour and polenta job, plus eggs, a little baking pownder, and lots of buttermilk. So fairly thick, and well able to support whole corn kernels when you tip the other half of the cooked corn in.

The gloopiness isn't too pretty, but it definitely makes cake-forming easier. 

The recipe says these are quick to cook (2 mins a side or less) but I think mine were thicker, or else I didn't have the frying temp right, as it needed a bit longer to cook through. But nothing drastic, and they were very tasty once cooked. Served with the other corn, coriander, sour cream if you like, it's a good evening plateful. 


  1. Hmm, now you've made me want to go look up the recipe for the prawn and sweetcorn fritters. And that's definitely a plateful - enough to combat the aftermath of confined cocktails! :)


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