Stepping out, ole!

I got in a taxi today. So that was exciting. I think the last time I was on wheeled transport was about 28 March and that was one guilty bus in my early parental shopping days, before I got into the schlepping rhythm. Mind you, the last time I was in a cab was on 31 January, in Carlisle, on my way to a visit at which we'd watch the news bulletin about the first diagnosed UK case of covid, so it's not like this is a return to the Before Times.

I am familiar with the concept, though, so I shouldn't be surprised at having covered several miles in ten minutes, and then considerably fewer miles in fifteen more (bless London, culs de sac and idiot parking), or that it's easier to get two people's shopping (especially heavy due to knowledge of transport options) to them plus a load of paperwork from a friend collected and delivered with the help of some kind of motorised vehicle. But boy, am I out of the habit of moving at more than 4mph. It felt slightly miraculous.

Meanwhile, it's been stunning blue weather and temperatures are soaring, so it's perfect to put the oven on. Yes?

No, but it's vegan week and I'm having patatas bravas, so I don't care. Not just chips for tea, but tea IS chips hurrah. Even if you've never made them, you can probably guess the drill. Parboil big spuds, cut into cubes, oven bake 30-40 mins on fairly hot, with oil and seasoning.

Roasting pan of chunky potatoes, roasted

Meanwhile, tomato sauce. Onion, garlic, tinned tomatoes, good lug of sherry vinegar, pinch of sugar. Cook for as long as you can (40 mins this time).

Frying pan of tomato sauce

Saucepan of shredded cabbage

Have some lovely pointy cabbage wilted with lemon, for greenery, or with umpteen other tapases if you feel so inclined.

Open many windows and try to feel Spanish and far-travelled rather than hot in south London having been for six miles by cab woop woop.

Plateful of patatas bravas with tomato sauce and cabbage
Maybe a tiny bit of alliolli on the side? (Deniable.)
At least as authentic a plateful as I've had in many a tapasish joint that also sells Greek and Persian delicacies, plus some pasta and chips. I miss good restaurants, but I also really, really miss casual ones that splodge on a few tasties.



  1. This looks v good. I am having a semi-Spanish phase (Paella last night), as we were supposed to be in Spain this week, so these might be on the list for later this week.

    1. They were very nice - and warmed up well, which isn't always the case with oven potatoes. Semi-Spanish is generous, but they are well worth a try.

  2. I am unfortunately hideously monoglot, and I had never considered that the plural of cul de sac was culs de sac....
    Hope your useful and speedily transported day was cheering as well as hot

    1. Eh, it might be culs de sacs (and you don't say it in France anyway, so it's a bit academic). It was definitely good having four days off in a row. I was getting a bit cross-eyed with screens.

  3. Oh god yes, patatas bravas, big yum. I had planned to meet a couple of friends at a favourite tapas joint just as the restaurant lock down happened, so this makes me feel all kinds of feelings. One for the menu planning.

    And taxis - are they still a thing!

    1. They were super easy and really good. Carby enough to stifle any sad feelings, I reckon.

  4. This is going on the list of things to make soon!

    1. Well worth it - I will remake these before too long.

  5. I have rarely met a potato I didn't like - especially an oven-cooked one - so this sounds marvellous.

    1. It's a very friendly recipe, so I fully understand your feelings.


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