Fed is best

 I recently saw this post on Facebook. 

Screenshot of text reading "'Fed is best' applies to us non baby people too. If your child will only eat chicken nuggets and yogurt: fed is best. If the only meal you had time for was from a drive thru: fed is best. If frozen pizza was all you could manage to cook in a day: fed is best." A continuation of the post has text "Fast food is still food. Convenience meals are still food. A bowl of cereal or PB&J is still food. Feeding ourselves (not to mention our children!) can be difficult sometimes, so if you fed yourselves in some way today: Good Job"

I've heard the phrase 'fed is best' in parenting terms for a while. It's been used to reassure parents that bottle or breast fed, fussy eater, or a take away doesn't matter - what's important is that the children eat something.

What struck me about this post was that is applied that concept to adults. That reminder that eating something is better than not eating.

I'll admit that my eating habits can be a bit erratic at the best of times. Breakfast, and if I'm at home lunch, tend to be optional but I'm usually quite good at cooking a meal in the evening. However when my mood or energy levels slip trying to eat properly becomes even more of a challenge. Even if I manage to cook something I'll often find myself looking at the end result with little desire to eat it.

A smoky pancetta flavoured pasta packet, a jar of green pesto, and a packet of chow mein flavoured super noodles

 At those times I need to remember that eating something is better than not eating. I tend to have a selection of go to standbys for those times. These include Supernoodles and pasta sauce packets and a jar of pesto. Alongside these I usually have some frozen veg which can be added to give a semblance of health and there's usually cheese for topping. While these may not have the nutritional balance of a freshly cooked meal they at least ensure I've eaten.

The last few weeks have been hard work. Between a landlord who doesn't want to repair the boiler (14 weeks without reliable hot water!), family illness, and a busy time at work (4 days per week on site for the last two weeks) it's been a lot to juggle and it's starting to catch up with me.

Today has definitely been a struggle, as reflected by my lunchtime nap (I'm really not someone who naps!) so I'm quite proud that I did manage to cook lunch for my two office days this week AND a lentil bolognaise tonight. To be honest the lentil bolognaise was probably prompted more by a desire not to waste the half a tin of lentils I had in the fridge. I even managed the washing up which is something else that usually slips in the challenging times. 

At least I know that if the week continues in this way I will at least have the standbys to fall back on.
