Commuting cooking

In my last blog I mused about the impact that returning to the office would have on my meal planning, so I thought an update may be in order. 

This week I was in the office two days, which will be a regular pattern for at least the next few weeks. 

Preparing for commute

Wednesday I was still work from home, but ended up having a busy evening preparing for the next day. This included collecting train tickets, from the second nearest station as the closest one (the one I travel from) had an out of order machine and a closed ticket office. Then a trip to the supermarket to stock up. By the time I got home I wanted something cook something quick and easy - luckily this had been the focus of my shopping trip. This was pasta, prawns, and spinach. This is an old favourite which means it can be prepared largely on autopilot. The main risk is overcooking the prawns. 

A mixture of pasta, prawns, spinach, and tomatoes on a yellow plate. There is also a silver spoon and silver fork on the plate

Wednesday also involved making egg mayo sandwiches for lunch on Thursday (in theory).

Day one of the commute

Having forgotten both to take my sandwiches to work, and to actually take a lunch break I was rather tired and ready for food when I got home. While I often skip lunch when working from home, dinner is usually a little earlier and I'm more likely to snack during the day. I had forgotten how much the longer day changes the significance of a lunch break!

Perhaps this wasn't the best day to try a new recipe. The courgette, asparagus, and goats cheese tart from The Green Roasting Tin was tasty but needed a little more attention than I'd usually give my post commute dinner. 

Start with ready rolled puff pasty and spread a little creme fraiche on it. Cover with thinly sliced courgette, and top with asparagus and goat's cheese. Pop in the oven for 30 minutes. 

A baking tray with a pastry base topped with sliced courgette, slices of goats cheese, and asparagus

I didn't manage to fit in any yoga and I suspect that daily yoga may become more challenging as 'normality' returns, especially on Thursdays, but I hope to continue most days.

I had the tart with some roasted cherry tomatoes. The next challenge was getting the washing up done before my online film club started (Erin Brockovich). Fitting in the film club was a challenge but it's a chance to catch up with dancing friends I've got to know over the last year, and I'm not quite ready to lose that connection yet, especially as the Monday catch ups have ended in favour of real life dance classes (which fixed partners)

Day two of the commute

Success! I remembered to take my sandwiches to work Friday, and take a lunch break to consume them. This meant I didn't feel quite so rushed when I got home. It also helped that it was Friday so I didn't need to worry about sorting my bag for morning, getting to bed at a reasonable time, or fitting in online social events.

Dinner was super simple - boil in a bag smoked kippers, with rice and peas. I managed to fit in a short online yoga video while the rice was cooking, and before I needed to boil the fish.

Rice and peas, topped with smoked kippers on a yellow plate

The weekend

I have a full fridge and lots of options for things to cook. But I promised myself a takeaway for as to celebrate surviving my first week with regular office days so I ordered a Chinese. Prawn curry, mushroom rice, and vegetable rolls. A well earnt treat!

Mushroom rice and prawn curry on a blue plate

Overall the week has been a success. I've managed to feed myself every evening and haven't had to resort to pasta in a packet or super noodles (both have their place but I want to avoid them becoming a regular feature). I think it will take a while to adjust back to cooking post commute and remember the auto pilot meals that I used to cook. Given that many of the recipes I've been cooking over the last year, the second portions of those will also be handy for reheating when I get home late.


  1. I do feel pretty baffled at how much I used to fit in, and when on earth I did it around feeding myself. I'm back in the office on Wednesday, so I'm noting just how much I need to remember my lunch!


    1. Hope your return goes smoothly, and includes a decent lunch!


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