Vaccine dinner

A bowl of humus, a bowl of crisps. A beer can, a glass of beer, on a green fabric table mat.

 Got shot number one today. My nearest available centre was out of the county, so I picked a time that would get me home in time for an evening meal and bedtime. It’s rotten for people who can’t drive/don’t have a car.

So here’s my celebratory dinner, and in true #ConfinedKitchen style it was composed of whatever I had in the house. No food shop this week: the builder has finished the repairs so I’ve been beavering away to reinstate the home office. Still sleeping downstairs for now (this house is very, very, small).

I had two packets of crisps left over from packed lunches taken to work in our otherwise closed office. Ate one with humus to start. And started the beer.


Then it was a sort of carbonara with smoked salmon, except the salmon was trout. The eggy mix was one beaten egg, slosh of single cream (Elmlea, because that’s all the village shop had when I was in there), seasoning, a grate of grana pandano. Needed more cheese, lush nonetheless. Then mixed salad leaves and half an avocado.

A green ceramic plate with mixed leaves salad, avocado pieces and vinaigrette.

Followed by a pear, some ancient Stilton and nuts. And a stick of Dairy Milk Wholenut, for reasons precisely similar to the Elmlea. Happy Vaccine Day!

Small green ceramic plate with a knife, pale yellow pear, crumbly Stilton cheese and mixed shelled nuts.


  1. This sounds amazingly celebratory in the circumstances. Cheers to your vaccine!

  2. Congratulations on the vaccine! (We are so behind over here...) That sounds like you celebrated in true #ConfinedKitchen style with every bit a winner.


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