Starting One Year Celebration

Happy New Year! Yes, because it's my first post in 2021.

Today 21st February it's been a year since the patient zero was found in Italy, in Codogno (who knew this little town before??). All began there. Masks, lockdown, isolation, queues outside shops, no flour and yeast in supermarkets, working from home, videocalls, fears, tests, distances and new proximities.

It's a long year and it's not over.
In this year our #ConfinedKitchen (and #ConfinedCocktails) has kept me good company. Cooking, sharing, reading your recipes, replaying them have helped to go through these hard days with funny thoughts. And with to-do-moves: I've found out that taking photos of foods is not so simple as I thought! You've to be neat, tidy up (more if your kitchen is tiny), check lights … and despite of all my photos are keeping have very low quality. I must live along with my lack of technique and of artistic inspiration.

Recipes along a year.

Thanks to all of you. And a special thanks to a sort of special blog guest, Sorriso the Turtle 🐢. When I brought her to the vet at the end of March, it's my very first real strong diving in lockdown, deserted streets, queues, a silent city. It was scary as Sorriso's infection. But we got it. 


  1. It's so strange to think that it's been a year, isn't it - not what we were expecting when we started 2020!

    That was a wonderful slide show of photographs, and it may be a strange thing to say, but I found watching it incredibly restful.

    Take care Francesca, thank you for sharing your wonderful meals with us. I look forward to what you will be cooking this year. :)

  2. I’m happy you found the video restful. We need some quiet to start new year and new recipes.

  3. A whole year. These anniversaries are going to be so hard. Thank you for sharing your reflections, and video. And I'm so glad you and Sorriso made it through the last year.


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