Ok, so the world is still interesting and not really improving. WFH is back and home schooling is 'happening', our heating bill is through the roof and it's still raining. And yet...there is food.
I'm returning to old favourites as a comfort while the weather remains bracing. These recipes are fairly simple and quick, with easy to find ingredients, which is helpful given the slow reduction of fresh produce in the supermarkets (no whole cucumbers last week) and the first one is almost entirely tin-based.
Black Bean Chilli:
You need 2 chopped onions and a lot (4 cloves minimum) of garlic, also chopped. Soften in a glug of olive oil, then add 3 tbsp of paprika and 3 tbsp of ground cumin. Cook for a few minutes then add 3 tbsp cider vinegar, 2 tbsp brown sugar and 2 tins of tomatoes.
Chicken and chickpea curry:
Tip 2 quartered onions, 3 fat garlic cloves, a finger-length knob of ginger, 2 tbsp curry powder, half tsp turmeric, 2 tsp paprika, a red chilli and half a bunch of coriander into a food processor (or mini chopper, or whatever you have). You can use ginger paste or coriander paste, it works just as well. You can even skip the squishing phase and just finely chop everything. Whatever works.
Once blended into a thick puree, tip into a pan and cook over a low heat for 10 minutes, stirring frequently. Add in 425ml of chicken stock (cube is fine) and bring to the boil. Add your chopped protein - the recipe is for 4 boneless chicken breasts, but it works with thighs or anything else you have to hand, just adjust the cooking time accordingly. Add in a can of drained chickpeas and simmer for 20 minutes until the chicken is cooked. Add in the rest of the bunch or coriander and serve.
Chilli and Curry of any variety are lovely comfort foods in trying and chilly times. These look lovely.