I'm firmly in the loving brussel sprouts camp. In the past though I've struggled to think of ways to use them, other than boiled alongside a roast. As roasts seem too much hassle for one person I don't eat as many sprouts as I'd like (although I have been known to have a bowl of them with butter as a meal).
This year I've found a couple more recipes which involve roasting them, and which may feature in future blogs. Yesterday it occurred to me that it would be feasible to have them in a risotto. After a couple of web searches to check the concept I decided to make it up as I went.
Start with the onion garlic base, add sliced sprouts. I found it easier to cut them in half to get a flat surface, then slice each half. Add the sprouts to the base and fry for a few minutes. Then add the rice, followed by stock.
Most online recipes include bacon, but as I'm mainly meat free I skipped that. In future I may add some spices to the risotto to give some added depth of flavour.
It did make a tasty ore Christmas meal though, with a balance of healthiness and comfort.
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