Late to the party Confined Cookalong...

Sigh... Even with the time difference I really had intended to participate in the #ConfinedCookalong in real time. However, chores got in the way and by the time I'd been to the supermarket and had family drop in unexpectedly it was almost lunchtime and I hadn't even had breakfast yet, never mind done any baking.

But in the best traditions of the Confined Kitchen, I wasn't going to let obstacles get in the way of participation even though I'm very late to the party. I hadn't got my act together re brownies, but I did have the ingredients for chocolate chip cookies which allowed me to use some of the dark chocolate chips I'd bought on a whim from Whole Foods a while back and never got around to using.

I was kind of shocked to realise that I'd never actually made cookies of any sort before, never mind choc chip ones - a situation which could potentially cause my Canadian citizenship to be revoked!

I'm sure everyone has their own recipe for these, but the one I used was Bill Granger's Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe from his book Sydney Food, which is one of my most well used cook books. The only thing I changed was I only used 2/3 of the chocolate because there was a lot of chocolate in this recipe so I thought I'd mix in 2/3 and see if it then needed more - it didn't! Having said that a bowl of sugar and butter is always pleasing before I even got around to adding the chocolate...

The recipe said it would make 16 cookies and that's exactly what it did make. I didn't do the wrapping in cling film and making a sausage thing so that you can cut the dough into rounds because honestly the recipe didn't ask for it and I didn't think of it until afterwards, so getting the raw cookies onto the baking tray was a messy business, but also fun.
The recipe said 15-20 minutes in the oven. I checked them after 15 and they seemed overly squishy, so I left them for another 5 minutes and of course they were a bit overcooked and burned on the bottom, but still still, we have warm, slightly crisp, slightly squishy Chocolate Chips Cookies, so I'm calling it a fair fight and next time I'll do them for a couple of minutes less.

I never thought I'd say this, but I think that even though I only put 2/3 of the choc chips in, next time I might put even less in as they are a bit overwhelming. Or perhaps it's a case of chopping up the chips a bit so they're more evenly spread and not sprouting out the sides of some of the cookies like monstrous growths.

Anyway, reading Melinda's #ConfinedCookalong entry, it sounds like loads of fun was had by all, so I'm glad that it inspired me to try my hand at these even if I couldn't do it in parallel with the group.

Have a great weekend all and happy cooking. 


  1. Thanks Sharon, I'm glad you could join us in spirit, and use up some of those choc chips in a good cause. I am feeling distinctly over-chocolated today after having another brownie for lunch - #ConfinedCookalong is fun, but it's not for every day!

  2. These look delicious.

    In the before times, chocolate chip cookies were my signature bake for sharing at the office because they were popular and also robust enough to cope with a bit of jostling on the Tube.


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