Happy Halloween, folks

It's Saturday number flibblty-mumble of the Confined Kitchen (no, I can't bear to count), and we have coincided with a festive-ish option. I am very much planning to have some Halloweeny confined cocktails tonight. A #2 Corpse Reviver is a strong possibility, because the Savoy cocktails come from actual archives and I'm biased. But so is the New York Sour from very excellent weekly cocktail newsletter The Spirits- such a cheering thing, and gives you a shopping list the week before if you want to mix along, which is sensible in these Difficult and Much-Planned Times. (Next week we need Campari, Italian vermouth and gin. I don't even need to go shopping, I feel so *prepared*.)

Plus, I've got everything for a Black Russian, which I saw mentioned as a suitable Halloween cocktail for no apparent reason other than it's dark brown, but is shamelessly delicious and less faff than the above.

I have half-heartedly mutilated a gourd in honour of the season. So. Halloween drinking? Let's do it. 

I have the small amount of leftover red wine needed to make this new cocktail btw because I stopped drinking on Friday night when the possible lockdown headlines broke. I don't know why I'm surprised that a national lockdown for England is seriously being floated. I apparently thought we were going to bibble on with the relentlessly rising tide and the three tiers and whatnot indefinitely. Derp. This is not a year to get surprised by change. What the hell the change turns out to be this week, sure. But that things are changing unpredictably? As I say, derp.

I had no November plans to move out of the radius I was in for March-July anyway (one possible site visit aside), I have all the books you could possibly need for hibernation if only I could focus on a page, and I had a serious lockdown pre-Christmas quarantine planned to allow me to bubble with my parents for the first time without being terrified I'd kill them. So I'm sort of set, whatever happens. 

But jeez, I am not ready for this again. Still. I am just not ready again.

Trying to hold on to good things. New hasthag - #UnconfinedWalks - have been lovely for two days. I hope we can keep them up, whatever comes.

How are you all doing tonight?


  1. In Italy Hallowen is quite recent celebration. And this year it’s more difficult feeling it. So tonight home and watching tv like another 2020 Saturday night!

    1. I haven't really celebrated Halloween for ages, but at least it gave me a cocktail theme!

  2. Weirdly, second lockdown feels like a bit of a relief. We knew it was coming, it should have happened weeks ago... at least we know where we are now. (At home, essentially).

    1. I'm glad it's a (relative, contextual) positive for you. I really am surprised that I'm surprised, somehow - but I do seem to be!

  3. It's one thing knowing intellectually that something might be coming, and quite another for it actually to be happening. Go easy on yourself.


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