That lunch problem again

Ugh, I wish we didn't have a shiny new weight loss policy at the moment. I can't stop thinking about food. This is a time of year when I usually eat incredibly well, doubling my five a day without even trying and shunning chocolate for its warm meltiness (Do Not Ask about November), but now I keep questioning myself about every damn thing. And then eating crisps to cheer myself up. It did at least kick me out of keeping on making bigger and fancier lunches, and into remembering I'd read someone saying they make a stack of buckwheat galettes and use them for lunches all week. How useful! How simple and tasty!

I had a weird early lockdown obsession with not being able to get buckwheat flour, which has never been exactly a staple of mine, but since our health food shop has opened that's been fixed. And pancake batter is always incredibly simple. This one needs standing at least an hour, but if working from home is good for anything it's good for making batter in your tea break.

It was a solid plan. The issue, and I really should have known this, was the frying. Balancing the need for heat with the need to stop my smoke alarm going berserk, the traditional first-pancake-is-a-mess turned into first-three-are-a-mess. I am going to deal with those tomorrow, shredding them up and frying them in an eggy, cheesy, spring greens omelette mess. Don't tell Public Health.

However! Thereafter, fabulous lacy galettes suddenly started happening.

So pleased with these. Let us not speak of their predecessors.

They are a bit of a mess for lunches, tbh. My frying pan is fairly small so they aren't massive. Still, I have achieved folded-pancake-with-filling a few times. With Ossau-Iraty, spring greens and a squeeze of lemon. Not bad.

Bring a little buckwheat into your life, if you're bored. It hasn't gone terribly wrong.
