Cocktails are dangerous

I've had (most of) the week off, spending it partly in long aimless walks, partly in drinking too much while keeping at a discreet distance from my family and scoffing an epic Lebanese takeaway, and partly in srs bsns art history summer school, which is my idea of fun. It's been nice, though nothing is normal. The summer school is online, of course, with a daily zoom and lectures on YouTube. Brilliantly managed, but not the same as I've done in the past - treating central London as a holiday, taking in two or three plays of an evening, eating out in Somerset House cafes, having the freedom of the city.

Sigh. I did a takeaway cup of tea on Tuesday, which was a post-covid novelty that involved a long queue, a lot of perspex, and a carboard cup of hot liquid that I've forgotten how to manage (threw away the stirry stick before removing the bag, idiot). Still, it's two quid to the National Trust, which presumably needs it.

But lockdown as ever does have its joys. Home delivery is of course one of them, and a few weeks ago Kate inspired me to buy this excellent little book which is full of grownup quickish savouries and some head-exploding cocktails.She has showcased some at Cocktail Hour (tonight, 7pm, if anyone wants company). I have been intrigued, but they wanted a couple of ingredients I don't have so I've been holding back. But now, in holiday week, it's time for a booze delivery.

I got some Suze (bitters, but blonde), and at some point I'll make a white negroni with them. But first, I googled Suze and it turns out it goes well will triple sec, which I have spare and...

It's quite the recipe.

Suze sort of glows. Slightly unnerving. I can't be bothered with egg white in cocktails, and my simple syrup has vanilla in, and I still don't care. It's pretty spectacular.

glass of sinister yellow liquid

I was so dubious about it I only made it in a water glass. But the Tanqueray was not poured in vain. Cheers all.
