What's in your cocktail top 10?

I don't want you to think I've spent the whole of lockdown drinking.

Even more amazing, I haven't in fact spent the whole of lockdown drinking. One of the many good things about this blog/community/club is that I posted here very early on that I wouldn't be drinking Monday to Wednesday, and I have in fact stuck to that, barring the odd bank holiday or leftover glass on a Monday. The meatball sauce I made on Tuesday should have had white wine in and I *nearly* cracked. But no. I made a commitment to you guys, and, unprecedentedly, I've kept it.

For three bloody months. And a day. I thought we'd started this the day after I locked down, but it turns out as well as sorting out my desk, buying new cushions (which have been a bloody livesaver for my awful chair situation since), having a small claustrophobic meltdown and not incidentally doing my normal commute and the last four hours of normal office life this year, I also at least drafted a blog post. Wow. 18 March, you were quite the date. And it turns out my very first post is when I set up the no-drinking-midweek thing, so I really was functioning okay then. Funny, I don't remember feeling that way at the time.

Anyway. I have not crawled into a booze-hole for the duration, which is just as well. But the joy of delicious drinks has been a part of all this. Not necessarily alcoholic, but often. I do mean that #ConfinedCocktails isn't just about the booze (it's short for #ConfinedKitchenCocktailHour, and very much about the hour's company rather than the cocktails - all drinks are welcome). But equally, wow, a good cocktail is a joyful thing, and you have shown us a lot of good cocktails. Last week was the first I'd heard of NIO, cocktails by post, and I'm disposed to approve. Mmmm.

We had a challenge to name our top 10 cocktails - we got about 13 nominations last weekend, and a few since, and they are being ranked by sixes of eager survey respondents. There's still time to give your views - there are barely 40 points between 14th on the list and 3rd, so it's fair to say voting has covered a broad spread.

I'll reveal the top 10 tomorrow over cocktail hour on twitter at 7pm. I might even make the winning cocktail, though considering what is currently in second place, I might well not. (You people are all wrong.) You might even consider making your nomination, provisions and other activities permitting. And we can all raise a glass/mug/bowl of choice to each other, for three months of getting through this.

Next week, just to show we're not only in it for the booze, I might make it podcasts.
