
My great uncle died of fruit, as I think I've mentioned before. My mum is *obsessed* with fruit, as I now truly understand having done her shopping for three-and-a-bit months. (Though no more! Or, not the fruit and veg from the nice open-air stall, which Dad now feels confident enough to visit as of today. They have been missing him. I am still on for the nasty indoor supermarket runs, though. Yay.)

I'm really not that bad for fruit. Really. Take it or leave it, me.

On the other hand, my summer is basically FRUITFEST. And that's despite having intestines that on occasion give a decent imitation of what my late uncle Will's last months must have been like. So maybe I have the Fatal Mayer Fruit Fetish after all.

Lunch, after my first socially distanced picnic yesterday, was leftover splendid Scotch egg, and Rainier cherries. We've reached the one or two weeks in summer when my utter love for yellow cherries overcomes my pain at how much they cost, the peakest of peak season bringing prices down to merely eye-watering. Technically they don't really go with a black pudding Scotch egg, but believe me, I made it work.

And for dinner? Cheese n fruit. Alllllll the fruit. I'm having it tomorrow too and that will not see the back of all the fruit.

Watermelon balanced on a jug
Excessive fruit

This is a sort of recipe but it's mainly the dressing I recommend. Put it on a mix of fruit. Melon should definitely be part of it. Probably not tomatoes with this dressing. Berries are good. Feta cheese with it, ideally, though I was using goats curd because I, erm, had some spare, as you do.

Watermelon. Melon. Blueberries. Mint (this is a bit essential. Might try adding a bit of coriander tomorrow). Supposed to be cucumber (bleugh, no, but I can see it would go).

Dressing is: oil, salt, pepper, splash of vinegar (ideally from pickled ginger jar, but I used white balsamic), a little honey, a lot of lime juice (I used 2 whole limes for 2 portions), and lots of grated ginger.

Overall is: excellent.

I do luckily have a cunning plan for excess watermelon, which always works. Drown it in creme de cassis. Plus vodka, if you like. Never a waste.


  1. This looks lovely, although I'd have to find an alternative for the melon - melon and me are not friends...

  2. BTW, I showed my other half the picture of the black pudding Scotch egg and I had to tell him to stop drooling. Did you buy it, or make it yourself?


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