Confined kitchen 1, Composting bin 0

I had some carrots that were well passed their use-by-date - they were so rubbery, they would have put a string of cooked spaghetti to shame. I also had some kale that should have probably have been used four or five days ago. In the time before, the temptation would have been to put them in the kitchen composting bin because they really were disreputable. However, in the confined kitchen we laugh in the face of ageing vegetables and make soup instead. In this case, roasted kale and carrot soup.

I roasted the kale, the carrots, a bit of quartered onion, some garlic cloves and a bit of thyme from the herb box on the deck with a good glug of olive oil. Then I stuck it all in a soup pot, poured over about a litre of chicken stock from a cube, salt and pepper and simmered for about 15 minutes before blending it with the sticky in wand thing. (I once had a bad experience where I took the wand thing out too soon before I'd finished up blending some lentil soup and finished up with lentil soup coloured kitchen walls - so I'm now uber-careful.)

I don't like kale, so this is a soup for the husband, but that is fine, he's a soup-loving chap, so after the addition of a wack more salt, he pronounced the experiment a success.

So voila, Roasted Carrot and Kale Soup.


  1. Victory! I must say I'm with you on kale, but it's still satisfying to see it used up.

    1. Victory was mine (or ours...) Kale is a definite meeh, but himself loves it, so soup will be consumed.


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