Three Found Things - #ArchivedIngredients

A jar of wholegrain mustard found in the back of the fridge. It has been opened but we have a another, much more recent jar further towards the front so it was obviously forgotten. On opening it seems to smell fine, although it looks a little dried up. However, the vinegar has begun to corrode the lid and I don't fancy heavy metal poisoning so into the food waste bin it goes. 
To satisfy your curiosity...

The next item was something we found when clearing out my wife's grandfather's house a little while ago. He was an amazing guy, a sub-hunter during the war and a City of Philadelphia fireman afterwards with any number of side hustles going on. He liked nothing better than to sit and tell stories to whoever would listen. But as far as we knew, he never drank wine. There must be a story behind this but we will never know.We are waiting until we are brave or drunk enough to open this...
And finally, I will leave you with this item, as a research exercise for those of you not of SE Asian extraction!
